Crate bitfield_struct

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Bitfield Struct

Procedural macro for bitfields that allows specifying bitfields as structs. As this library provides a procedural-macro it has no runtime dependencies and works for no-std.

  • Supports bool flags, raw integers, and every custom type convertible into integers (structs/enums)
  • Ideal for driver/OS/embedded development (defining HW registers/structures)
  • Generates minimalistic, pure, safe rust functions
  • Compile-time checks for type and field sizes
  • Rust-analyzer friendly (carries over documentation to accessor functions)
  • Exports field offsets and sizes as constants (useful for const asserts)
  • Generation of fmt::Debug


Let’s begin with a simple example.
Suppose we want to store multiple data inside a single Byte, as shown below:

7 6 5 4 3 3 1 0
P Level S Kind

This crate is able to generate a nice wrapper type that makes it easy to do this:

/// Define your type like this with the bitfield attribute
struct MyByte {
    /// The first field occupies the least significant bits
    kind: usize,
    /// Booleans are 1 bit large
    system: bool,
    /// The bits attribute specifies the bit size of this field
    level: usize,
    /// The last field spans over the most significant bits
    present: bool
// The macro creates three accessor functions for each field:
// <name>, with_<name> and set_<name>
let my_byte = MyByte::new()



Additionally, this crate has a few useful features, which are shown here in more detail.

The example below shows how attributes are carried over and how signed integers, padding, and custom types are handled.

/// A test bitfield with documentation
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] // <- Attributes after `bitfield` are carried over
struct MyBitfield {
    /// defaults to 16 bits for u16
    int: u16,
    /// interpreted as 1 bit flag
    flag: bool,
    /// custom bit size
    tiny: u8,
    /// sign extend for signed integers
    negative: i16,
    /// supports any type that implements `From<u64>` and `Into<u64>`
    custom: CustomEnum,
    /// public field -> public accessor functions
    pub public: usize,
    /// padding
    _p: u8,
    /// zero-sized members are ignored
    _completely_ignored: String,

/// A custom enum
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum CustomEnum {
    A = 0,
    B = 1,
    C = 2,
// implement `From<u64>` and `Into<u64>` for `CustomEnum`!

// Usage:
let mut val = MyBitfield::new()
    .with_int(3 << 15)

let raw: u64 = val.into();

assert_eq!(, 3 << 15);
assert_eq!(val.flag(), true);
assert_eq!(val.negative(), -3);
assert_eq!(val.tiny(), 1);
assert_eq!(val.custom(), CustomEnum::B);
assert_eq!(val.public(), 2);

// const members
assert_eq!(MyBitfield::FLAG_BITS, 1);
assert_eq!(MyBitfield::FLAG_OFFSET, 16);

assert_eq!(val.negative(), 1);

The macro generates three accessor functions for each field. Each accessor also inherits the documentation of its field.

The signatures for int are:

// generated struct
struct MyBitfield(u64);
impl MyBitfield {
    const fn new() -> Self { Self(0) }

    const INT_BITS: usize = 16;
    const INT_OFFSET: usize = 0;

    const fn with_int(self, value: u16) -> Self { /* ... */ }
    const fn int(&self) -> u16 { /* ... */ }
    fn set_int(&mut self, value: u16) { /* ... */ }

    // other field ...
// generated trait implementations
impl From<u64> for MyBitfield { /* ... */ }
impl From<MyBitfield> for u64 { /* ... */ }
impl Debug for MyBitfield { /* ... */ }

Hint: You can use the rust-analyzer “Expand macro recursively” action to view the generated code.


This macro automatically creates a suitable fmt::Debug implementation similar to the ones created for normal structs by #[derive(Debug)]. You can disable it with the extra debug argument.

#[bitfield(u64, debug = false)]
struct CustomDebug {
    data: u64

impl fmt::Debug for CustomDebug {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "0x{:x}",

let val = CustomDebug::new().with_data(123);

Attribute Macros

  • Creates a bitfield for this struct.